Sunday, September 18, 2011

Celebration of Life

We wanted to be able to share Caleb's Celebration of Life with all our friends and family who were not able to attend in person. It was an amazing service, we truly felt like it spoke of Caleb's life perfectly. I want to thank Pastor Mike Austin and our CenterPoint family for making Caleb's day so incredible...indescribable. And for everyone involved in making this download possible so we can share. Thank you Dr. Kern's (Caleb's Pediatrician) for giving such a beautiful eulogoy for Caleb, he truly loved you...he had no doubt of the depths you would go to for him. Susan, your words spoke volumes for our T18 family...for Caleb....thank you. Thank you to everyone who made Caleb's Memorial so special...a day fit for the Mightiest of Mouses....we love you all. We love you son. You are missed more each and every day.

We also have a copy of the slide show that was playing on the back screens...I will try and get that up soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jeannette,

    I still remember the words you spoke at Caleb's first birthday celebration 1 1/2 years ago. You stated that you didn't know the hour that God would call Caleb home, but you knew that when that time came, that those of us in that room would be there to support and comfort you and your family in your time of need. I consider it an honor to be able to bless you and your family the way you have blessed others.

    I remember your posts on Facebook as you grieved for yet another friend who lost their T-18 baby. Several weeks later, another one. And then another. I often thought, "What's it going to be like for my friends if the same thing happens to Caleb?" I was hoping I'd never have to find out.

    Thank you for allowing us to minister to you the way you have ministered to others. You've shown us how to do it. As you and Steven are now having to walk this difficult road without your precious little mouse, please know that you have many who are willing to walk it with you, to encourage and support you with their time and their prayers. :)

    Thanks for all you do, my friend.

