Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We were so excited...Caleb tried his first baby food...applesauce. He doesn't take anything by mouth so we wanted to start out slow. I don't know that he will be able to take a lot of the baby food but he at least gets to try new flavors. He seemed to do really well. Another awesome milestone!


  1. LOVE IT!!! He's like WOW, mommy just put some yummy stuff on my lips! He looks sooooo excited. :)

  2. Awesome - he is so alert it's great! Love him!!

  3. Oh Jeannette, that made me want to cry with happiness, I often think will Liam ever get to taste food and to see Caleb so obviously enjoying it is wonderful xxx

  4. I just came across Caleb's website today. What a beautiful boy you have! Living with T18 can be scary at times. My son, Zane, will be 3 years old in December. He has full Trisomy 18. We've had many ups and downs, but they have all been so worth it. I will definitely keep up with Caleb's life thought his website. Zane has a blog at www.mylifewithzane.blogspot.com. Thanks for sharing your beautiful son with us.


  5. LOL. Those are definitely a pair of happy lips. :)
